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Chigo Lobez
American Pitbull Terrier Breeding Centre

Not just a simple breeding centre, but a real House immersed in green, here dogs live in harmony with nature and full peacefulness.
American Pitbull Terrier Breeding

Pitbull Forest House is an American Pitbull Terrier Breeding Centre in Standard AKC;

Our professional breeding center ensures a quality pedigree and loving care for our dogs. Our main goal is to produce characters with extraordinary morphological features, healthy, with a well balanced mild character and an elegant and distinctive bearing in order to generate the most beautiful Pitbull ever seen up till now!

Red nose and blue nose Pitbull Terrier Breeding

Our puppies are always in compliance to the American Pitbull Terrier roots and most of all to the AKC reference standard. We will follow the puppy’s pathway even after it had been sold, we will instruct you on the required feeding, on their daily physical training and will provide precious advice on their upkeep and  on their education .

If you have any question or if you would like to know more  please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here for you as well as for them!

DEVILS DEN KENNELS - Devils Den Kennels - American Pitbull Terriers Breeders

If you would like to obtain information on available puppies or if you have the intention to adopt one of them: contact us
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Over 318 puppies sold nationwide & worldwide, still counting...
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98% client satisfaction rate, showcasing innovation